Nerd Alert is a DnD group with the following members: DM #1: CJ Yorfino 20 years of Martial Arts becoming a 4th Degree Master in TaeKwonDo and 17 Years of music as a drummer, bass player and screamer, CJ decided a few years ago to dip my toes in Dungeons and Dragons. After about 6 months as a player, CJ started DMing for a group of my friends and writing my own stories! DM #2 Ryan Reed Ever since childhood, Ryan has been into everything nerdy. He began his Dungeons and Dragons adventures while at Full Sail University studying Game Development. Player: Ryan Ilse Hello everyone my name is Ryan Ilse and back in highschool I was one of those people who made fun of D&D. It...

A fellowship formed deep within the mystical woods of North Jersey, "Mixed Success" brings the laugh-out-loud humor of improv comedy to the fantastical world of live table-top gameplay. Running on an audience-driven, actor-improvised, D20 system of game-play (don't worry, it's simpler than it sounds), the troupe brings everything from high-fantasy fun, cowboy-chaos, and futuristic (dis)function to the stage. Our dungeon masters create mad-lib adventures to be filled in by our audience, while our improvisers act out the ensuing chaos. There is no script - and almost every action is decided by a roll of the (large, foam) dice...