Yonatan Sobin, PsyD



Dr. Yoni Sobin, PsyD, a self-proclaimed “Nerd Therapist,” is a clinical psychologist in private practice based out of New York City who specializes in treating OCD and anxiety disorders, using cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy approaches. He loves incorporating pop culture directly into the course of a patient’s treatment and using fandom to help patients live their best life. In his spare time, he enjoys Lord of the Rings on repeat, reading graphic novels, and building Lego. Sometimes he tries to move metal with his mind and fails. Yoni finds joy in (over)analyzing the psychological makeup of fictional characters. Dr. Sobin has contributed to “THE JOKER PSYCHOLOGY: EVIL CLOWNS AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM,” and joined many WizardWorld panels prior to the current pre-apocalyptic shutdown. He is currently accepting new patients and can be reached on Discord at thenerdtherapist#7391

Facebook: @NerdPsychology

Instagram: @nerd_therapist

Website: https://www.sobinpsychology.com/home