Lauren Kong

Voice Actor


Lauren Kong is a young Filipino/Chinese-American voice actress, singer, artist, and martial artist who’s trying to make her way through school. She has 2+ years of experience in voice acting, but 12+ in singing and 5+ in theater. Having started voice acting when she was 16, she has worked on a variety of video games, animations, ADR/dubbing, commercials/ads, audio dramas, and so much more all while being based in Central California. While she mostly does indie work, few things you may have heard her from include Revenant (Nova), Blood Bound (Bac), Tattoos and Tulips (Bea), and singing covers on her YouTube channel. Outside of work, she’s a big animal lover and nerd, meaning you’ll often hear her talking about her dog and snake or whatever new comic she just finished reading.


Check out her website:

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