
Writer, Scholar, Cosplayer


AichiYume is a panelist, scholar, writer, cosplayer, generalized fan, and cake enthusiast. She has been proudly paneling at anime, comic book, and video game conventions of various sizes across the state of Texas for nearly a decade and has just as many years of experience in running anime and Japanese culture clubs from high school to the collegiate level. By day, she is a professional social media manager and writer and can be found wherever there are good conversations and cake. By night, she is a fierce crusader against poorly written characters, framing and consequences in writing, scholarly discussions about media, and overanalyzing comic books. In her spare time, she writes for Fangirl Nation, podcasts about literature on Unfortunately, Required Reading, and about yaoi on The Yaoi Shelf while preaching the good news about anime, comics, sci-fi, and more on stage and in costume.